Plymouth Dolphins RFC Constitution

  • The name of the club is ‘Plymouth Dolphins Rugby Football Club Ltd’. (Companies House 13929841)

  • 2) To provide the means and facilities for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, racial and cultural backgrounds, national heritages, countries of origin, religions, ages (within insurable parameters) and abilities to practise, play, and enjoy rugby.

    The Club will strive:

    • To ensure that it develops the self-confidence and motivation of all its players.

    • To field a team that plays and enjoys competitive rugby.

    • To supply an alternative platform for those desiring to play social, and non-contact rugby.

    • To provide regular structured training at various levels to advance the abilities of all players joining the Club.

    • To provide an environment where people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, racial and cultural backgrounds, national heritages, countries of origin, religions, ages and abilities, can feel comfortable and safe from prejudice, discrimination and intimidation, whilst pursuing their interest in rugby.;

    • To actively encourage new and former players, especially where they may have been discouraged by prejudice.

    • To encourage, develop and integrate the Club's supporters’ network.

    • To provide an active social programme for the enjoyment of players and supporters.

    • To work in partnership with other LGBT+ sports organisations, sports organisations and the RFU to help progress inclusion in sport within society.

    • Work with the LGBT+ community where appropriate in support of this community.

    • To champion fitness, neurodiversity, and good mental health.

    3) To raise funds to enable the Club to meet the aims and objectives as set out in Clause 2.

    a. The Club is a non-profit making and non-profit distributing organisation which is not subject to commercial influences. All profits and surpluses from its playing activities must be used to maintain or improve the related facilities or to advance the Club and its rugby capabilities as a non-profit body. The club is registered with Companies House (13929841)

    b. If the committee decide that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Club, they shall call a meeting of all members of the Club of which not less than 21 days' notice (stating the terms of the resolution to be

    proposed) shall be given. If the proposal is confirmed by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting, the committee shall have the power to realise any assets held by or on behalf of the Club. Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to such other charitable institution or institutions having objects like the objectives of this club as the members of the Club may determine, or, if that cannot be done, shall be applied for some other charitable purpose. Formal notification that the club has been dissolved is to be sent to the appropriate governing national, and local bodies to which the club is affiliated and associated with, by the Secretary.

    4) In pursuance of the aims and objectives as stated in Clause 2, the Club may associate or affiliate with such sporting organisations as may appear to be necessary or desirable by the committee. The Club may officially associate or affiliate with non-sporting organisations with the approval of an AGM or EGM. Members will be informed in writing of any association or affiliation with external organisations.

    a. The Club shall be affiliated with the Rugby Football Union and the Devon Rugby Football Union.

  • 14) The Chair of the meeting shall be by default the Chairperson. If in the case this position is contested within the election, then the Executive will designate another suitable chair for the meeting who is not taking part in an election process. The Club must hold an AGM before 30th June each year unless special circumstances prevent this from happening.

    15) Items for the agenda, and nominations for elected posts, must be received in writing by the Club Secretary by no later than 1 week before the AGM or EGM.

    a. The Chair of the meeting has the discretion to accept items for the agenda and nominations for elections after the one-week deadline, provided the meeting also votes to accept the item or nomination on to the agenda at the start of the AGM.

    b. Full-paying club members can nominate themselves only for an executive post and therefore cannot nominate others.

    c. If there are more than one nominee for the same executive post, voting will commence at the AGM.

    16) Notice of the AGM or EGM containing venue, date, time, and draft agenda must be sent or given to members at least 3 weeks prior to the meeting. An updated agenda will be sent 1 week before the meeting along with a suitable proxy form system.

    17) The AGM will include at least the following items on the agenda:

    • Chairman's Report

    • Treasurer's Report

    • Secretary's Report

    • Honorary Auditor's report (if required under HMRC regulations)

    • Election of Executive

    • Election of at least one or more charities or community groups to support

    • Election of honorary auditor (if required)

    • Election of the Disciplinary Sub-Committee

    • Membership fees.

    18) Only full members who have paid their membership fee on the day before the notice for an AGM or EGM is issued, including members covered by clause 9c, are entitled to a vote or proxy vote at an AGM or EGM. Supporter members elected or appointed as officers to the Management Committee are entitled to vote as a full members.

    a. Members may vote at an AGM or EGM as follows:

    • Full (playing) members may vote in all votes.

    • Full (non-playing) members may vote in all votes except that of Club Captain.

    19) Proxy forms will consist of:

    a. A ballot form if there is to be a vote or election to allow members to decide in advance who to vote for, this will include preference voting if required.

    20) Quorum for any AGM or EGM shall be a quarter (25%) of full members, including proxy votes.

    21) Election for the Executive members will be by secret ballot if the vote is contested; or as the AGM so decides.

    22) Votes on all issues/motions must be proposed and seconded to be considered by the AGM floor.

    a. Once seconded, the proposer of a motion has a two-minute window to explain their request or motion to be considered by the AGM. The AGM must then vote, and a quarter must be in favour to fully consider the motion.

    b. The Chair will then accept arguments from the floor on either side of a motion for a maximum of 15 minutes or until all points of view have been covered. Voting will take the form of a secret ballot; or as the AGM so decides

    23) All voting matters at the AGM will be carried by the majority within the room unless otherwise stated in the Constitution to require a two-thirds majority.

    24) Procedural motions can be called at any point throughout the AGM and related to how the meeting is being conducted. They are to be responded to by the chair at the next immediate opportunity, principally these are:

    • Point of Information: A member may ask for a specific piece of information or clarification on a matter being discussed.

    • Point of Order: If at any point a member of the AGM feels the meeting needs to check a specific part of the meeting is being run fairly or in line with the Constitution this draws the Chairperson’s attention to it.

    • No Confidence in the Chair: The Chair must address concerns from the floor in their ability to chair the meeting. If the proposer, then wishes to propose a motion of no confidence via point 25 they can follow that procedure to remove the chair. A new chair must then be elected from the floor.

    25) An EGM may be requested:

    a. By most of the Executive or.

    b. Upon written request to the Secretary, signed by not less than seven full members of the Club, and containing the reason for the request.

    c. An EGM must be convened within 28 days of the Secretary receiving a valid request:

    d. An EGM should follow the rules as set out in clauses 21 to 25.

  • The Chairperson is responsible for the ultimate achievement of the strategic ambitions of the Club as well as the overall management of its operational activities. In particular:

    • Chair meetings and act as Senior Executive Officer throughout the year, by making decisions whenever the need arises, in consultation with other Executive and Management Officers when appropriate.

    • Attend meetings in a neutral and uncommitted capacity and enable the group to have a meaningful discussion with a neutral person in the chair.

    • Chair the Annual General Meeting and convened Extraordinary General Meetings. The Chairperson will be responsible for the conduct of any votes taken at these meetings; in the event of a tie the Chairperson will have the casting vote.

    • Provide direction for the Club by effective leadership and management.

    • Monitor and evaluate the progress of agreed actions – both short-term and strategic.

    • Ensure that succession and forward planning are integral and ongoing in the Club.

    • Constitute and resource any special working groups and ensure that their activities are reported to the Executive Committee.

    • Manage Executive and Management Officers to ensure the delivery of their responsibilities.

    • Ensure that the Management structure and responsibilities are transparent and available to the membership

    • The Chairperson must work in close liaison with the Executive Committee, Secretary and Treasurer.

    • The Chairperson must also set the agenda for meetings and ensure it is in line with the Club, IGR, and RFU policies.

    • Act as a mediator if disagreements arise between Subcommittees or Sub-Committee members.

  • The Club Captain is responsible for supporting the playing captains and communicating, when necessary, information from the Executive and Management Committees. The Club Captain is responsible for the engagement with alumni members of the Club and for the development of the alumni network. The Club Captain is responsible for gaining feedback using surveys and data from players to represent them at the Executive and Management Committee level when required. In particular:

    • Represent players on the Executive and Management Committees and Disciplinary Subcommittee.

    • Take responsibility for the recruitment and retention of players and develop and maintain links with local schools and colleges.

    • Lead, advise and support fellow teammates.

    • Help select the team.

    • Make sure other players behave themselves on and off the field.

    • Make players aware of administrative arrangements.

    • Check pre-match arrangements have been made, such as registering players, checking availability and completing match cards.

    • Collect match fees from players where necessary.

    • Help the coach organise training and player development.

    • Encourage players and other club members to get involved with voluntary work and social activities at the Club.

    • Welcome new members, visiting teams and referees.

  • The Disciplinary sub-committee will be the Chair, Secretary, Club Captain and three Club members, who must not be an Executive Committee member. The Disciplinary Sub-Committee will be responsible for any disciplinary matters, external or internal that require the Club’s attention.

    The Disciplinary Sub-Committee is responsible for investigating complaints against members' behaviour and for upholding the Club’s ‘Code of Conduct’ , and has full powers to discipline members in any way the

    Sub-Committee sees fit.

    A complaint can include (but is not limited to)

    a. allegations of bringing the Club into disrepute as explained in the Club’s ‘Code of Conduct’.

    b. Only an EGM or AGM can overturn the decisions of the Disciplinary Sub-Committee.

    c. Members can be referred to the Disciplinary Sub-Committee by any Executive member upon complaint from a Club member if needed, by an EGM or AGM, by a Team Captain or upon the direction of an official rugby body to which the Club has directly or indirectly affiliated.

    d. The Executive member or Team Captain must contact the Club’s Chairperson or Secretary to trigger the disciplinary procedure, the Chairperson and Secretary must contact the Disciplinary Sub-Committee with the complaint within a time frame aligned with the RFU guidelines for pitch matters or 48 hours of receiving any official complaint or breach of the Club’s ‘Code of Conduct’ for off-pitch matters.

    e. Any complaint raised to the Disciplinary Sub-Committee needs to be dealt with promptly, seen to be within six weeks of the complaint being received to resolution and action. The Disciplinary Sub-Committee can meet ‘virtually’ to meet this time frame, but all members must be involved and an agreement with any actions must be by majority. This time frame may be extended if external investigations are taking place.

    f. All disciplinary matters will be subject to and dealt with as per Regulation 19 of the RFU and any sanctions will be subject to the RFU Regulations published in the RFU Handbook annually and available on the RFU website.

  • Equality, Diversity & Inclusion matters will be dealt with by all Executive Committee members and escalations should be directed to the Committee Chairman. This will include:

    • Developing, implementing, and monitoring the Club’s ‘Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

    Providing advice, guidance and support to members on equality, diversity and inclusion issues at the Club.

    • Participating on the Disciplinary Sub-Committee and ensuring it acts by the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy.

    • Liaising with the IGR, RFU and other relevant organisations regarding Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion initiative.

  • 12) The Executive is responsible for the safeguarding, safety, and financial security of the Club, to ensure it continues to develop and meet the aims set out in the mission statement for future generations.

    It is the responsibility of the Executive to execute actions, developments, initiatives and reviews of the Club’s running to continually evaluate and appraise the effectiveness of its structure, facilities and all areas supported by the Club in a timely, responsible and effective manner.

    The Executive is collectively responsible for the recruitment, development and management of players and coaches at the Club.

  • 26) The Club funds shall be held in a bank or building society account in the Club's name and shall only be withdrawn on the signature of 2 authorised members of the Executive Committee. Only Executive Committee Members will be authorised to sign for withdrawals.

    27) The financial year for the Club shall end on March 31st.

    28) The honorary auditor should not be a member of the Management Committee.

  • 31) Job descriptions for these positions will be readily available for any Club member who wishes to see it and are regularly reviewed by the Executive Committee.

    32) All decisions taken at an EGM or AGM are binding on the Executive Committee unless changed by a subsequent AGM or EGM.

    33) Each member will receive a copy of the Constitution and the Constitution will be made available online where appropriate.

    34) Executive Officers are obliged to impart any information requested on the Club's affairs by another member, except for information of a personal or confidential nature.

    35) This Constitution can be amended at any time with approval from both the secretary and chair.

    36) The club hereby adopts and accepts this constitution as a current operating guide regulating the actions of members.

  • The vocation of the Plymouth Dolphins Rugby Football Club is primarily, to be a truly inclusive rugby the football club, that will provide people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, racial and cultural backgrounds, national heritages, countries of origin, religions, ages and abilities, the opportunity to play and enjoy rugby.

    Our mission is to assert in front of the rugby community, our value as competitive sportspeople, through our progress and results. Our Club will strive to be a role model to a wide variety of communities, including but not limited to, the LGBT+ community and its allies, and provide the benchmark as a successful example of friendly cohabitation between people of different sexual orientations, gender identities, racial and cultural backgrounds, national heritages, countries of origin, religions, ages, and abilities.

  • 5) There are four classes of membership, Full (player), Full (non-player), Supporter (non-player) and Student (player or supporter).

    a. Full (player) membership will be restricted to persons of 18 years and above, within insurable parameters, of any sexual orientation, gender identity, racial or cultural background, religion, national heritage, country of origin or ability, who seek to practice and play rugby.

    b. Full (non-player) membership will be restricted to those who seek to fully contribute to the aims and objectives of the Club but do not wish to play rugby.

    c. Supporter (non-player) membership will be restricted to anyone who fully supports the aims and objectives of the Club but does not grant voting rights within the Club unless upgraded to another full membership.

    d. Student membership could be full player, full non-player, or supporter.

    6) Membership is discretionary and may be revoked, after necessary due process, by the Disciplinary Sub-Committee, who is responsible for upholding the Club’s ‘Code of Conduct’ as set out in Clause 13. Should a membership be revoked after disciplinary procedures have taken place, a right to appeal must be granted by the committee to the ejected member. Guidelines for the appeals process must be made available to any members who are dismissed from the club.

    7) Only persons who have paid their membership fees will be deemed to be members of the Club.

    8) Membership fees are payable from when the member joins. Options to pay weekly, monthly, and annually are available, as well as a range of rates. Fees will be set at the Club's AGM.

    a. Membership fees are not refundable if a member decides to leave the club but can be cancelled at any time.

    c. Potential members who face financial difficulties in meeting the full membership fees can apply to the Secretary for a reduction in fees. The Executive Committee, after satisfying itself of the potential member's bona fide reasons, may offer reduced rate membership and/or payment by instalments.

    9) The Club can make a direct debit option available in any membership class it deems necessary. An active paying direct debit is seen as a paid membership. If a direct debit is stopped or inactive then membership is terminated.

  • 10) The Club will be managed by the Executive Committee elected at the AGM of the Club. All elected officers shall retire annually and are entitled to seek re-election up to a maximum of five times in one position. In Executive Committee meetings all elected Committee members, except for the Chairperson (see Clause 12), will have an equal vote in all matters.

    a. Term limits are designed to allow movement within the Club’s organisation structures. AGM can renew the term limits for an individual if a compelling case or reason is put to AGM. This would allow the resetting of a position to five years.4

    11) The Executive Committee shall consist of four main Executive Officers, namely a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Officer and Social Media manager. Sub-roles exist to report into the main executive team, and they are the events manager, and fixtures manager.

    a. To fill a vacancy of an elected post-mid-term, the Chairperson can appoint a Full member to that position with a majority Executive Committee vote.

    b. Club members can force an election or alter an appointment by virtue of calling an EGM, as set out in Clause 25

    c. Only fully paid-up members of the Club can stand for, be elected to, be appointed to, or be co-opted onto, the Executive Committee.

    d. The Executive may appoint additional persons as Management Officers as it may wish. Such persons will not be full members of the Executive Committee but should attend the Management Committee and Sub-Committee meetings in connection with their function and are accountable to the Executive Committee.

    e. The Executive shall hold Management Committee meetings at least six times a year. The Executive shall be deemed to be quorate with the presence of two-thirds of the Executive members (3 of 4). A minimum of seven days’ notice of Management Committee meetings shall be given to Executive members unless at least three-quarters of Executive members agree otherwise.

    f. The Executive will create Sub-Committees and appoint persons as ‘Sub-Committee Members’ as it may wish. Such persons will not be members of the Management Committee but may be invited, by the Executive, to attend relevant Management Committee meetings in connection with their function. Sub-committees and their members are accountable to the Management Committee.

    g. All Executive Committee members will be responsible for Safeguarding, and Diversity and inclusion matters.

  • The Secretary is responsible for recording the minutes of all meetings, circulating minutes and agendas, and maintaining the Clubs' non-financial records. The secretary is responsible for overseeing a system for enquiries from potential members and overseeing a robust membership system. The secretary holds overall responsibility for club communications, membership, and club governance. In particular:

    • Responsible for the day-to-day business and administration of the Club.

    • Process membership enquiries and applications of the Club.

    • Maintain records of all members and former members of the Club, with the membership officer.

    • Provide such Club details as required by the IGR and RFU.

    • Manage and ensure action on Club correspondence including legal and insurance matters.

    • Organise Annual General Meeting, Extraordinary General Meetings, Executive and Management Committee Meetings and Club Meetings.

    • Responsible for the accurate record keeping and circulation of the minutes from meetings.

    • Record disciplinary matters.

    • Ensure all relevant forms and publications are with the responsible Executive and Management Officers and make the system available to members.

    • Manager the Marketing & Media Manager to ensure the delivery of their responsibilities.

  • 29) Where the Plymouth Dolphins Rugby Football Club have any individual undertaking a job or activity which gains them financial compensation they shall be treated as a self-employed individual who must invoice the Club monthly. These individuals are responsible for their own tax and financial affairs.

    30) The Club shall seek the following as required by demand by the Club, where Club funds allow and at agreement by the Executive Committee:

    a. Head Coach: To oversee the development of all volunteer coaches, and the coaching strategy for the club for all teams.

    b. Club Physiotherapist: To oversee and provide the provision of physiotherapy care to all paid players.

    c. Any other paid role as deemed necessary by the Executive.

  • The Team Manager will organize fixtures for the Club and develop positive relationships with IGR and RFU-affiliated and accredited clubs. In particular:

    • Develop and implement a coordinated coaching programme throughout all sections of the Club.

    • Co-ordinating the implementation of the Club’s “agreed playing philosophy” throughout all teams.

    • Take responsibility for the recruitment and retention of coaches.

    • Provide succession planning to ensure that qualified coaches are appointed to all teams and receive the appropriate training required by attending designated coaching courses.

    • Chair the Rugby sub-committee so that rugby policy is understood, properly disseminated to all levels and translated into practical action.

    • Report to the Executive Committee on rugby matters and make recommendations on improvements/ initiatives that need to be implemented.

    • Set behavioural standard policies for all teams and members at the start of the season.

    • Liaise with the Club coaches, players committee and team captains on matters such as playing facilities, equipment, playing gear, etc

    • Be aware of all administrative procedures regarding player registration and eligibility.

    • Monitor health and safety issues within the club and make recommendations, if necessary to the general committee.

    • several members are trained on an annual basis in first aid, and health and safety matters where appropriate.

    • Ensure that the safety statement is reviewed regularly, and its operation monitored.

    •Propose a fixture list for all teams which reflects the ambitions of the club in terms of playing strength and finance.

    • Deal with match cancellations, and finding new fixtures.

    • Handle any fixture queries throughout the season.

    • Supply fixture lists to the IGR, RFU, Referee societies and other relevant agencies. Confirm fixtures with opponents, two weeks before the game.

    • Ensure visiting teams are provided with kick-off times, directions to the ground, and complimentary match tickets (where applicable).

    • Manager the Head Coach to ensure the delivery of their responsibilities.

  • The Treasurer is responsible for the financial matters of the Club. The treasurer is also responsible for maintaining the Club's financial records and recording who has paid their membership fees. The treasurer is responsible for the club’s financial strategy and reporting this and current account levels back to the executive committee at each committee meeting. In particular:

    • Responsible for the management of the Club finances by the decisions of the Executive Committee.

    • Report regularly on the financial position of the Club and recommend action on financial matters to the Executive and Management Committees.

    • Collect subscriptions and all money due to the Club.

    • Pay bills on behalf of the Club and record the information.

    • Keep up-to-date records of all financial transactions.

    • Ensure all cash and cheques are promptly lodged to club’s account(s).

    • Ensure funds are spent properly.

    • Prepare and present accounts for the end-of-year financial report and audit.

    • Financial planning including producing an annual budget and monitoring it throughout the year.

    • To help prepare and submit any statutory documents that are required (e.g., VAT returns, PAYE and tax returns).

    • Ensure club pays all affiliation and competition fees.

    • Manager the Sponsorship Manager to ensure the delivery of their responsibilities.

  • First issued January 2022

    This version 09/07/22 version 1

    *In addition the following detailed policies to accompany the constitution are available on request.

    • Code of Conduct

    • Disciplinary Procedure

    • Equality Diversity and Inclusion

    • Privacy and GDPR

    • Social Media